Cheryl had a pre-dawn start to her trek yesterday. I left an hour or so later. Here are our individual accounts of the day:
Cheryl - I hiked by flashlight for the first hour. I didn’t see another hiker for an hour and ten minutes into my hike.
The Camino signs were easy to follow. Halfway through the hike the trail got rockier and rockier. Most difficult rocky downhill I have ever experienced, and it went on for miles and miles.
I placed my rock at Cruz de Ferro.
Today is a rest day in Ponderrada.
Susan - Today was definitely the most challenging, physically and mentally, of the Camino. It began with a lovely hike up to the iconic Cruz de Ferro. On the way I met a darling German girl named Kathryn who asked to share the moment with me. She reflected on how far we have traveled since St. Jean Pied de Port.
The trail became super steep downhill and, for the first time this trip, I took a tumble. I wasn’t badly hurt, but the spill made me slow up a bit. A woman from South Korea insisted on giving me antiseptic ointment for my knee scrapes. 🥰
As I came into town a woman offered me water and a popsicle, refusing my offer of a few coins. Her kindness certainly lifted my spirits those final few miles. Actually, those various Camino angels made the trek possible. ❤️ 20.45 miles
We are staying in a lovely hotel and both feel ready to tackle the final 9 days of hiking.
Getting a little western now. Way to good a hard trail. Keep the pictures and tales coming. Great job.
Wow! You and Cheryl have done a beautiful and life affirming trek. Thanks for the posts. Can’t wait to hear about the next adventures. Enjoy!
Pretty impressive 20+ miles with a challenging to rain nice work Susan, and Cheryl! Perfect timing for a rest day and looking forward to your next nine days of your journey of a lifetime. ♥️🤗
Thanks, Dee! It has been really nice to have a quiet day to prepare for the final hikes. Looking forward to seeing you soon! ❤️
Susan and Cheryl, your description of todays hike is amazing. Leaving your rocks that you have carried from home must have been a very special moment. Nine more days! Can’t wait to see you. ❤️